Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Chapter one preview

Chapter One

Death.  It’s a funny word, both in comedy and irony.  Funny as in it’s an obvious punch line and ironic because we’re all going to die.  Funny.  
                  What’s truly funny about death is the undying (excuse the pun) obsession with what is to happen to us after we die.  Will we spend eternity in a golden kingdom, or in fire and brimstone?  Will we become one with the universe, or perish into nothingness.  There are hundreds of hypothesis surrounding our fate, but no one truly knows the answer…well, until I, and perhaps others like me, made a discovery.  I know the truth about death; the truth about our fate.  It’s not as simple as just telling though; no, this tale really needs to be told in detail to be understood.  Not easy being the guy with all the answers….
                  My name is Jacob Taylor, but most people call me Jake.  I come from a place you’ve probably never heard of, but will soon not forget.  Middletown, Maryland; the epitome of all that is cut from the cookie sheet known as white, suburban America. 
                  Middletown was founded in 1779 by George Washington, and by that I mean first President of the United States George Washington.  This town has seen most domestic wars and all movements crucial to the history of this country.   Basically what I’m getting at is this town sucks and I hate living here.  It’s boring, old, and secluded from the rest of the world.  I will admit though it does have its charm.  Plenty of old buildings and ghost stories keep a limited amount of tourist traffic. 
                  I’m 22 years old and live with my parents.  We live in an old brick house on Broad St.  My Dad is a lawyer, which means he’s a dick, but I love him anyway.  My Mom is a music teacher which explains why I’m so talented in that particular medium of artistic expression.   Please don’t mind my conceit, but just being honest.  I have an older sister, Emma, who’s married to the Mayor, so add another dick into the equation.  We’re one big happy family. 
                  Much to my Father’s dismay I attend the County Community College with a major in English.  Dad always wanted me to follow in his footsteps, go to an Ivy League school and use my so called intellect for something productive like law or medicine, but I decided to take the spiteful route. 
                  I regularly surround myself with the same three characters, and characters they are.  We’ve all been friends since we were kids and I couldn’t imagine life without them, though if I try I can sometimes get a split second of bliss.  There’s Donnie, or Don for short.  He’s a tall, well built mechanic who decided to bypass college and go straight into the family business of fixing things.  Don is the kind of guy that you rarely see out of his work attire, so he’s usually covered in grease and sweat.  One thing you’ve got to love about the man is his inability to form a sentence.  He consistently stutters words that are longer than two syllables. He may not be the brightest bulb in the box but he’s got a big heart, and is a great friend. 
Next there’s Mindy.  Now, science would dictate that Mindy is in fact a woman due to the lack of certain organs and the presence of others, but don’t let basic anatomy fool you.  Mindy is by all accounts a dude and has and always will be one of the guys.  Mindy dresses like a man, acts like a man, and talks like a man.  She watches football, plays video games, drinks beer, and spits.  Every once and a while you’ll catch her saying something like “I think Brad Pitt is sexy” and you’ll feel really awkward, but it’s a feeling that we all got used to.  Mindy works at the local Super Market, which being the 21st century you’d think would be a little bigger and have a better selection, but that’s beside the point.  She’s saving up to go to California to go to college.  Why she wants to go all the way out there I don’t know…maybe for the warm weather, beaches, and all around better life.  Go figure.
Last but not least there’s Beanie.  Of course that’s not his real name, in fact I don’t think I remember his real name, but we call him Beanie in reference to the tri-colored knit beanie he always wears.  He’s been wearing it since I met him when we were kids.  I’m sure he’s purchased new ones over the years, but a strange phenomenon none the less.  Beanie goes to the same school as me and studies philosophy.  He’s a pseudo intellectual, wannabe artist, hipster who frequents underage poetry jams, often quotes lines from Belle et Sébastien, and refers to movies by saying things like “Have you seen the new Tim Burton presents?”  Oh…and he’s a flaming closeted homo sexual.
We frequent a local diner called “Manny’s” on main street.  It’s a hangout spot for all the locals of all ages to take a load off after work.  Manny’s has pool, arcade games, darts, and food that will line your stomach with a coat of grease that will make you immune to any and all forms of hangover.  It’s divine.  Most nights we end up at Manny’s for a beer and fries, and the night of November 11th was no different.
At 8:00 pm I put on my black pea coat and headed down stairs from my room to leave and meet up with the gang at Manny’s.  My Dad was watching the local news when I entered the living room.  The big story for the past few weeks in our town was that of a serial car jacker in the area.  Exciting right?  Nothing ever happens in this town so it’s a big deal for its residents, but I personally think it’s necessary to try and liven up the dull lives of the townsfolk.  Before I could step out the door my Dad stopped me and said “Did you hear about this car jacking string?  Don’t go getting our car stolen Jake!”  That was his way of telling me that he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to me.  “Don’t worry Pops, I’ll walk”  He grinned and turned back to the television as I walked out the door.
                  The walk to Manny’s isn’t that bad, just a few blocks.  It was snowing lightly, but was tolerable.  I turned down Park street, and you guessed it, it’s named that because there’s a park on the street.  Clever Middletownseians.
Across the street from the park is an old, colonial style house that’s been vacant for 40 years or so.  The house has been dubbed “Finch Manor” after the family who lived there for generations.  40 years ago there was a fire at Finch manor, nothing huge and was easily extinguished according to the story, but unfortunately the youngest daughter did not survive.  She died from breathing in smoke from what I know.  After that the family decided they no longer wanted to live in the town, but never offered the home up for sale.  The town can’t actually do anything about it either because of some landmark clause in the bi-laws  preventing them from touching any building of a certain age. 
Every time I would walk past the house I got sort of an uneasy feeling.  Like there was someone watching me from the vine covered window.  I could swear sometimes I would hear someone crying coming from the inside, and sometimes had an uncontrollable urge to investigate, but I’ve never been the brave type.     
As I walked past Finch Manor on Park street this particular night I didn’t even look at it.  I ignored its very existence and sped up when I approached it as to not have that feeling for longer than 10 seconds.  Told you I’m not the brave type.
I got to Manny’s at 8:17 pm.  Don was playing pool by himself and Beanie was in the corner talking to some underage girls trying to whoa them with his false intellect.  You see it’s easy to quote Shakespeare to a young girl who doesn’t know any better and make her think you’re smart, and Beanie, though clearly a homosexual, uses it to his advantage (to hide the fact that he’s gay…shhh!). 
"See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand!  O that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!” Beanie quoted as he brushed his hand across one of the young girls cheeks.  She looked at him with wide eyes and an obvious non-understanding of what the hell it was he just said, but the fact it sounded good made her soil herself for him.  “You’re so artistic.” She said.  I couldn’t handle much more of this.  I approached Beanie and swung my arm over his shoulders as he attempted to seduce this girl.
                  “You know ladies; Shakespeare had a mass inferiority complex which is why he could never hold down a relationship and died alone and miserable with his hand around his dick.” I said as Beanie’s eyes began to roll. “Feel free to go home and Google it” I added.  The girls got up and started walking away.  I shouted more quotes to them just to be an ass; “Good night, Good night!  Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.”  Beanie was less than pleased.  With my arm around his shoulder I turned him toward a table and said “Look at the bright side Bean, now you won’t have to succumb to the all mighty list of offenders that will always and forever prevent you from doing, well, anything!”  Beanie sighed and responded “You’re an asshole”.  “I know”, I said.
Don joined us at the table with beers for each of us.  He began his usual conversation about how his day went and I of course showed no interest.  “Today was brutal”, said Don.  “Oh yeah?”, said Beanie, “Tell us about it.”  He did this unpurpose because he knows I can’t stand hearing about Don’s day at the shop.  It’s not that I don’t care about his job it’s just…ok it is that I don’t care.  Don’t get me wrong I love the guy but anything automotive is foreign to me.  I’m not much of a man.  “Someone brought in a car to have the tranny looked at and it turned out to be one of the cars that was jacked.  I called the cops and the guy took off and I had to spend like 3 hours filling out a report.” Said Don.  “Really?” I said, “three hours Don?”  Don had a way of exaggerating every story into more than it was.  “Yeah three hours.  It was brutal.  I can’t believe I actually saw the guy who has been steelin’ all those cars.  What a crazy situuashin”  “You mean “situation”?  I said.  Beanie lashed out at me, “Don’t be a dick Jake!  Don had a crazy day; can’t you show some interest in your friend’s experience?”  I paused for two beats and gently replied “No” and took a sip of my beer. 
“You guys talking about that serial car thief?” said Mindy as she approached the table to sit down.  “No we’re talking about how he almost killed Don today” I said.  “You were jacked by him too Don?” Mindy asked.  Don replied “No I saw him at work and…nevermind” and he took a sip of his beer.  Mindy had a seat.  “I heard he’s been targeting Japanese cars, so you had better be careful not to get your parents car stolen bro” she said to me with a sarcastic rouse.  “Anyway so dudes check it out I’ve been applying to these schools in California” said Mindy as she pulled out brochures.  “USC would be the ideal school because of its programs but San Diego would be awesome because of location.  I would be able to skate and surf in the same day!  Sweet right?”  We all glared at the brochures with different opinions.  “I would personally go to Berkley, a lot of great minds went there.” Said Beanie, to which I replied, “I’m sure they wouldn’t want anything less which is why you’re still here”  Don was staring at the USC brochure.  “I like this one” he said, “there’s a lot of cool looking buildings.”  Mindy rolled her eyes at Don and looked at me; “What do you think bro?”  she said.  “Well I mean they’re all good schools Mindy, but California?  Living costs are high and there’s always earthquakes and movie stars driving drunk…I don’t know”  “You’re always such a downer dude!” she said to me as she grabbed the brochure back from my hand.  “Ok ok enough of this crap let’s get drunk” I said to which the other three praised and cheered.
We stayed at Manny’s until midnight, drinking beers and making sarcastic remarks to one another.  We got up and walked out together.  “See you dorks later!” said Don.  “Good one Don, good insult there” Said Mindy.  “Peace out bros.  Come by the store tomorrow and hang out so I don’t overdose on ho-hos out of boredom” Mindy does love her some processed cake treats. 
“Do you need a ride sir?” said Beanie while bowing next to his car.  “I don’t think I could ever get into a car alone with you Beanie…you weird, sad little man.” I said.  Beanie smiled and took off while quoting more Shakespeare from his window and I began my walk home.
I turned down Park street from Main and began my dreaded decent down the road.  The snow had picked up, but it was light and pleasant.  I could see the shadow of Finch Manor approaching.  I began to speed up.  The shadow grew closer and my speed grew faster.  I reached the manor and walked right passed it, but heard something and stopped.  The crying sound was apparent but faint.  “It’s all in your head you idiot” I told myself.  I heard it again, this time it was louder.  There is no question that this was not in my head, and if it was no medication on Earth could save me.  The crying was so clear and sad.  It was that of a woman, young from the sound of it.  I walked backward and stared at the house.  My legs were trembling from fear.  “Ok Jake, Dad always says you need some balls now’s the time” I said allowed to myself.  I approached the house, unwillingly of course.  I had seen way too many cliché horror films throughout the years, and I knew the second I opened that door I would be murdered or dragged into some sort of demon nightmare.  I reached the door and turned the knob.  “What the hell are you doing Jake!?” I thought to myself.  This was stupid, and scary, and a bad idea.  Don’t be fooled, there was no bravery here, just curiosity.  I walked in and was greeted by a moonlit room with a creepy staircase leading into darkness.  I could hear the crying coming from a room to my right.  There were frames and furniture everywhere covered with giant white sheets as to protect from dust.  I walked down a hallway toward the crying and spoke softly “Hello?” to which I received no response.  I continued walking and entered what appeared to be a living room.  Sitting there on a sheet covered couch was a girl, around my age, crying.  There she was before me, the crying girl I heard from the street…and she was beautiful.

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